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Our Services


Our Lab is one amongst the most advanced soil laboratories, backed by an experienced team. All our soil laboratory instruments are software-based to minimize errors and maximize accuracy. Our soil lab equipments are equipped with Load cells and LVDT sensors, which help us to analyze with utmost accuracy and confidence in results. Our extensive fleet of drilling and support equipment enables us to provide a comprehensive range of field services which include:

  • Drilling, Coring and Sampling of soils and rock
  • Dynamic Cone Penetration Testing (DCPT)
  • In SITU testing
  • Static Cone Penetration Testing (SCPT)


These investigations form the basis for planning, designing, and constructing structures and helps to obtain information about the physical characteristics of soil/rock around a sit

Soil testing & analysis help us to determine the rate of settlement and bearing capacity of soil. These tests give complete picture to define the length and depth of the pillars to lay the foundation.

Our division comprises qualified and experienced team of geotechnical engineers, site supervisors, lab personnel aided with sophisticated equipment and NABL accredited fully fledged soil mechanics laboratory to cater to the needs of ground engineering and related activities.

We provide the following services to our customers:

  • Geotechnical studies for designing super/substructures through borehole exploration, in-situ testing, geophysical exploration etc.
  • Identification of problematic soils and remedial measures.
  • Testing of soil/rock samples in the laboratory to determine its physical and engineering properties
  • Analyzing all field and laboratory data to evaluate safe bearing capacity and safe bearing pressure of the soil/rock for given foundation sizes and necessary recommendations for open/pile foundation design/construction.
  • Testing and analysis of sub grade and sub base materials for roads and runways, suitability tests of material for embankments, clay liners for engineered landfills, fill material for reinforced earth retaining walls etc.


The Tri-axial Compression Test is used to measure the shear strength of soil under controlled drainage condition.

A Cylindrical Specimen of soil is subjected encased into a confining Fluid/air pressure and then loaded axially to failure.

The Test is Called “Tri-axial” because the three Principal Stress are assumed to be known and are controlled.

The tri-axial shear test is the most versatile of all the shear test testing methods for getting shear strength of the soil i.e. Cohesion (C) and Angle of Internal Friction (Ø), though it is a bit complex. This test can measure the total as well as effective stress parameters both. These two parameters are required for design of slopes, calculation of bearing capacity of any strata, calculation of consolidation parameters and in many other analyses. This test can be conducted on any type of soil, drainage conditions can be controlled, pore water pressure measurements can be made accurately and volume changes can be measured. In this test, the failure plane is not forced, the stress distribution of failure plane is fairly uniform and specimen can fail on any weak plane or can simply bulge.

Types of Test Our Machine can Perform are

  • Unconsolidated-Undrained (UU) Test
  • Consolidated-Undrained (CU) Test
  • Consolidated-Drained (CD)Test
  • Unconfined Compression (UC) Test


The equipment is designed to determine the swelling pressure developed by soil specimens molded to desired densities at known moisture contents, when soaked in water. The load applied to restrain the swelling is transferred on to a load measuring proving ring through a perforated swell plate and a load transfer bar. It is attached with Load cell and LVDT sensor.


We have Aimil brand Digital Point Load Index Tester which is 100 KN capacity and is used for determining the Diametral Point Load Strength Index of rock cores and irregular lumps which can be tested without any treatment. The Point Load Test is primarily an Index Test for strength classification of rock materials. This instrument is mainly intended for field measurements on rock specimen; however it can also be used in the laboratory. The results of the test may also be used to predict the uni axial compressive strength of rock from correlations. The apparatus is light and portable.


An advanced instrument in our lab equipped with Load cell (50KN), LVDT sensors and data logger, the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test is a measure of the strength of sub-grade soil and highway sub base and sub-grade via a penetration test. Our automatic CBR machine is composed of a robust and compact two column frame with an adjustable upper crossbeam driven by an electromechanical ram of maximum 50 kN capacity and a data acquisition and processing system. Rapid adjustment of the platen is also provided by up and down buttons which are located on the front panel of the machine. The model is supplied complete with a 50 kN load cell, penetration piston, linear potentiometric displacement transducer (25 mm x 0.001 mm).


Our Instrument is fully digital and follows Indian and American standards. Our Machines work with LVDT and Data logger. The Consolidation test is also referred to as Standard Odometer test or One-dimensional compression test. The consolidation parameters obtained by this test are used to determine the consolidation settlement and time of consolidation for a given loading state (i.e. given height of embankment). These parameters are also used in design of “Ground Improvement measures”, provided for construction of embankment on soft soils.


To determine the shearing strength of the soil using the direct shear apparatus. In many engineering problems, such as design of foundation, retaining walls, slab bridges, pipes, sheet piling, the value of the angle of internal friction and cohesion of the soil involved are required for the design.

The Shear Strength is one of the most important engineering properties of a soil because it is required whenever a structure is dependent on the soils shearing resistance.

The Shear Strength is needed for engineering situation such as determining the stability of slopes or cuts, finding the bearing capacity for foundation and calculating the pressure exerted by soil on a retaining wall.