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Our Services


We specialize in field and NDT testing. Our laboratory has a vast facility of Field and NDT Instruments. NDT and Field testing are performed by well-trained & experienced staff. Our field lab is equipped with plenty of testing facilities that include:


This test is conducted to assess the relative strength of concrete based on the hardness at or near its exposed surface. Rebound hammer measures the elastic rebound from the surface of concrete. The rebound value indicated by the hammer is related empirically to the compressive strength of concrete. Rebound hammer test is used to provide a convenient and rapid indication of the compressive strength of concrete. The test can be performed in horizontal, vertically upward, vertically downward or any intermediate angled positions in relation to the surface.


The ultrasonic pulse velocity method could be used to establish: the homogeneity of the concrete, the presence of cracks, voids and other imperfections, changes in the structure of the concrete which may occur with time, the quality of the concrete in relation to standard requirements, the quality of one element of concrete in relation to another, and the values of dynamic elastic modulus of the concrete.


The core cutter method is a test used to determine the in-situ dry density of soil. It is only used in fine-grained cohesive soils without stones. The test requires cylindrical core cutters about 130 mm long and 100 mm in diameter. The bulk density of soil can be easily calculated using this method.


This test is used to measure actual in-situ compressive strength of concrete. A direct assessment on strength can be made by extracting & testing of 50mm (2”) to 200mm (8”) diameter core. Core can be extracted about 400mm continuous length & up to 900mm depth in two layers with the help of extension rod. Cover meter is used to locate the reinforcement steel before core cutting to prevent structural damage to the RCC elements by avoiding the reinforcement. These cores are dressed, capped and tested in laboratory using standard compression testing method to determine compressive strength.


The sand replacement test method is used to determine the in-place density of compacted soil in order to compare it with the designated compaction degree. Hence, it specifies how much the compaction of the soil is close to the designated compaction degree. The field density of natural soil is required for the estimation of soil bearing capacity for the purpose of evaluation of pressures on underlying strata for computation of settlement, and stability analysis of natural slope.